This week on Random Encounters, we’re cleaning up our backlogs just a little bit more.
First up is Borderlands 2, one of the few games keeping the old hand concept of couch co-op gaming alive and well. Whatever happened to couch co-op on that note?
Next up is the PS Plus free game for October, in the form of Resident Evil HD. Could a non-fan of the series play this game for the first time and actually make heads or tails of it? And how much was survival horror like a point-and-click game back in those days? Also, who the hell designed this mansion?
Finally, we close the episode out with a fond(?) farewell to the Wii U. With the Nintendo Switch officially announced, the Wii U is basically dead, so we give it the send-off it deserves, in our Wii U funeral.
Undertaker Theme Song (2013)-WWE
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